
Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020

Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Education
University of Hradec Králové
Rokitanského 62
500 03 Hradec Králové
Czech Republic
ISSN: 2336-3347 (Print)
ISSN 2571-032X (Online)
Volume’s editor: Jan Suk
The complete electronic version can be downloaded here. The printed and electronic versions of the proceedings are identical.


Jan Suk
Now are the times that try men's souls: Introduction to Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies

Eva Čoupková
The Castle Spectre as a Gothic play and Gothic chapbook

Anastasiia Fediakova
Jhumpa Lahiri's A Temporary Matter and Kazuo Ishiguro's Family Supper: Importance and Role of Food

Radek Glabazňa
Poetics of the Psychedelic Experience: Alan Watts' Joyous Cosmology Revisited

Martina Martausová
Mobile Fatherhood: Fathers on the Road in Postmillennial American Cinema

Georgiana Nicoara
The Supra-Element: Landscapes and Soundscapes as the Tragic Chorus in Thomas Hardy's Novels and Poems

Jozef Pecina
“Do not have men in underwear in scenes with women, and no nude men at all”: the Genre of “Spicy” Pulps

Helena Polehlová
Journeys of Bishop Wilfrid – a Restless Pilgrim and Traveller of Anglo-Saxon Times

Michal Tarhoviský
The Role of Suffering and Amnesia in Julian Barnes's Selected Works

Tetyana Varvanina
Restoration Libertines and the Clash of their Weltanschauungen: Reason, Faith, and Human Nature in Buckingham's and Rochester's Writings